Thursday, 27 June 2013

Cute thrifted (complete) outfits for $10 or less?! YES!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cute, thrifted outfits, complete from head to toe, for $10 or less? Impossible you say? Not for a dedicated garage sale and thrift store shopper!

I thought that I would share some of the outfits that I have put together using a combination of hand me downs, garage sale finds, and thrift store scores that cost me less than the price of a pair of cheap shoes at some bargain basement retail store. I know that taste is a personal thing, but I think that each outfit is something I can be proud to wear in public. And I guarantee that no one has any idea of how much (or how little, as it turns out) I paid for each one.

This first outfit is centred around a dress that has a style and colours that I love, and which was free to me as a hand me down. It came from Value Village prior to that, where it was purchased for $9.99, a bargain even at that price.

I kept this outfit simple, adding just a pair of bright yellow heels which were acquired from a garage sale for $2, and a pair of earrings that I bought at another sale for $1. So, total cost of this outfit...$3! I could add my choice of purses, bought for between $1-$2, and additional jewelry, bought for between 33 cents and $1, still keeping my final total well below the $10 mark.

The next outfit was a whopping $1.50! You can't buy a cup of coffee at many places for that price! The black skirt was another hand me down. Before me, it came from Value Village, just like the blue dress, where it was priced for around $5. The mushroom coloured top was purchased from a garage sale a couple of weekends ago for $1. It is also pictured in a recent blog post about finds from that weekend.

The black sandals were 50 cents from a garage sale I went to late this past spring. I could accessorize this with the black purse that I bought that same day for 25 cents or with any number of purses on which I have spent $5 or less. And I could add any one, or more, of the number of pieces of jewlery I bought for 33 cents from the garage sale coup discussed in an earlier blog post. Again, keeping the head to toe outfit priced well below $10. I cropped off my head here due to a 'bad hair day'.

The third outfit includes purse and accessories. The fitted tee came from a sale where you were encouraged to fill a plastic grocery bag for $2. I took all of the t-shirts in my size; eight of them. Two I ended up not liking and donated to the thrift store. So the remaining six priced out for 33 cents a piece.

The black skirt with the lacey overlay...which I think is so pretty and feminine...was purchased from Value Village for $4. The sandals are the same as pictured above, costing 50 cents. The purse was a garage sale bargain at 25 cents. It actually had never been used and still had the retail price tag on it, of $35.

The ring was one of several which I purchased a couple of years ago from Additionelle when they were having a clearance on jewelry. I paid $2.50 for it. The earrings came from kijiji and I paid $1 for those. The ankle bracelet was 50 cents at a garage sale a couple of years ago.

It is actually a necklace. I love ankle bracelets but they are hard to find at garage sales, so I will often buy necklaces and wrap them to use instead. A little tip in case you want to try it! The gold necklace was a gift.

Total cost of this completely accessorized outfit...$9.08!

The final outfit for today features a faux wrap dress in versatile neutrals. The dress was a Value Village find, bought on 50% off day for $6.50. The shoes are the yellow heels from the first photo, which were $2. The earrings were $1 from a seller on kijiji. Which makes the final total for this outfit $9.50. I could add the 25 cent black purse to bring that total up to $9.75 for a complete outfit for under $10. And one that I can hold my head up wearing out and about town.

So, for little more than the price of a Big Mac meal at McDonalds...and sometimes for even CAN put together a head to toe outfit, including shoes, purse and accessories. All it takes is a little time, some luck, and the love of...or at least an interest in...thrifting!

Nifty, thrifty and (almost) fifty,


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